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Monotone Iterative Methods for M-Tensor Equations

发布时间:2018-03-28 11:52    浏览次数:    来源:雷渊

报告题目:Monotone Iterative Methods for M-Tensor Equations
报告摘要:We are concerned with the numerical methods for
solving  the tensor equations with a strong M-tensor, which we call the M-tensor equations (M-TEQ).
We first split the M-tensor into two parts. Based on the tensor splitting form, we
propose an iterative method for solving the M-TEQ.
The method can be regarded as an approximation to Newton's method for
solving the M-TEQ. At each iteration, equation, we solve a system of linear
equation. An advantage of the proposed method is that the coefficient
matrix of the linear system is independent of the iteration.  We show that if the initial point  is appropriately
chosen, then the sequence of iterates generated by the method convergs
to a nonnegative solution of the M-TEQ monotonically.
At last, we do numerical experiments to test the proposed methods.
The results show the efficiency of the proposed methods.

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