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20180628 向开南-Uniform spanning forests on biased d-dimensional integer lattice

发布时间:2018-06-28 09:00    浏览次数:    来源:

题目:Uniform spanning forests on biased d-dimensional integer lattice
报告人: 向开南(教授,南开大学)
摘要:We prove that the uniform spanning forest associated with the biased random walk on d-dimensional integer lattice has finitely many trees if and only if d<4; which is a novel phase transition phenomenon. The talk is based on a joint work with Vladas Sidoravicius (NYU-Shanghai), Zhan Shi (Paris VI Univ.), He Song (宋贺, 泰州学院) and Longmin Wang (王龙敏, 南开大学).


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