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20180712 张立卫-大数据优化研讨会学术讲座

发布时间:2018-07-10 16:16    浏览次数:    来源:

题目:On the Q-linear Convergence of a Majorized Proximal ADMM for Convex Composite Programming and Its Applications to Regularized Logistic Regression
时间:2018年7月12 日(下午17:00-18:00)
摘要:This work aims to study the convergence rate of a majorized alternating direction method of multiplier with indefinite proximal terms (iPADMM) for solving linearly constrained convex composite optimization problems. We establish the Q-linear rate convergence theorem for 2-block majorized iPADMM under mild conditions. Based on this result, the convergence rate analysis of symmetric Gaussian-Seidel based majorized ADMM, which is designed for solving multi-block composite convex optimization problems, are given.  We apply the majorized iPADMM to solve three types of regularized logistic regression problems: constrained regression, fused lasso and overlapping group lasso. The efficiency of majorized iPADMM are demonstrated on both simulation experiments and real data sets.

   张教授目前的研究兴趣是“随机优化”,“矩阵优化”,“变分分析”和“均衡优化”,在这些方向上发表SCI检索论文100余篇,其中一些论文发表在运筹学与计算数学的顶级期刊上,这些期刊包括Operations Research,Mathematical Programming,SIAM Journal on Optimization,Mathematics of Operations Research,Mathematics of Computation等等。他目前是SCI期刊《APJOR》的编委和中国运筹学会会刊《运筹学学报》的编委,他还担任中国运筹学会常务理事与中国运筹学会数学规划分会副理事长,国家自然基金委数理学部会评专家。



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