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20181013 张剑文 Global Existence of Classical Solutions with Large Oscillations and Vacuum to the Three-Dimensional Compressible Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows

发布时间:2018-10-07 17:10    浏览次数:    来源:

题目:Global Existence of Classical Solutions with Large Oscillations and Vacuum to the Three-Dimensional Compressible Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows

报告人:张剑文(教授, 厦门大学)

时间: 20181013号上午9:30-10:20

地点: 数学院425

摘要:This talk is concerned with a simplified hydrodynamic flow modeling the three-dimensional motion of compressible, nematic liquid crystal materials. We establish the global existence of classical solution to the Cauchy problem with smooth initial data which are of small energy but possibly large oscillations with constant state as far-field condition which could be either vacuum or non-vacuum. The initial density is allowed to vanish and the spatial measure of the set of vacuum can be arbitrarily large, in particular, the initial density can even have compact support. As a byproduct, the large-time behavior of the solution is also studied.


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