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20181225 Deping Ye The general dual Orlicz-Minkowski problems

发布时间:2018-12-24 12:04    浏览次数:    来源:

学术报告题目: The general dual Orlicz-Minkowski problems
报告人: Deping Ye,Memorial University, Canada

Abstract: In their seminal paper (Acta Mathematica, 2016), Huang, Lutwak, Yang and Zhang established a variational formula for the $q$th dual volume which leads to the $q$th dual curvature measure. This variational formula makes it possible to prove the existence of solutions to the dual Minkowski problem aiming to characterize the $q$th dual curvature measure.
  Recently, the dual Minkowski problem was extended to the general dual  Orlicz-Minkowski problem involving  two  Orlicz functions by Gardner, Hug, Weil, Xing and myself. The Minkowski type problems proposed by us are arguably the most generalized and contain all previously well-studied Minkowski type problems, such as, the $L_p$ Minkowski problem, the dual Minkowski problem, the $L_p$ dual Minkowski problem, the $L_p$ Aleksandrov problem, as their special cases.
  In this talk, I will explain how the general dual Orlicz-Minkowski problems are introduced and will discuss their solutions under certain cases.


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