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20190624 朱保成 Mini-Course: Some topics on convex geometric analysis

发布时间:2019-06-17 09:30    浏览次数:    来源:

Mini-Course: Some topics on convex geometric analysis

主讲人: 朱保成(教授,湖北民族大学)



摘要: Convex geometric analysis is closely related to differential geometry and integral geometry, it is one subject that studies geometric structures and invariants of convex sets. In this mini-course, I will discuss both the classical theory and recent developments of convex geometric analysis. Firstly, I will explain detailly related basic concepts and notations in convex geometric analysis. Secondly, I will introduce some useful methods we usually used. Thirdly, I will talk about some hot topics in convex geometric analysis recently and some outstanding research works.


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