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20191104 陈玉明 Dynamics of a stage-structured predator-prey model with cannibalism

发布时间:2019-11-04 09:21    浏览次数:    来源:

题目:Dynamics of a stage-structured predator-prey model with cannibalism
报告人:Yuming Chen, Department of Mathematics Wilfrid Laurier University
时间:2019年11月4号(周一), 10:00-11:00,    


摘要:In this talk, we rigorously reinvestigate the dynamics of a stage-structured predator-prey
model with cannibalism in the predator. There are two stages, juvenile and mature, in the
predator. We obtain the global stability of the model and illustrate the effects of cannibalism
on the dynamics. It is found that the positive equilibrium can undergo stability switch. We
also analyze theoretically Hopf bifurcation.

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