题目: Tamari-like intervals and planar maps
时间:2020/06/24 周三 16:00-17:00
Zoom会议 ID:240 986 9025 密码:hnu.math
摘要: Tamari lattice is a partial order defined on objects counted by Catalan numbers, such as binary trees and Dyck paths. It is a well-studied object in combinatorics, with several generalizations. In this talk, we will see how intervals in these Tamari-like lattices are related to planar maps. More precisely, we will see three series of bijections: from non-separable planar maps to generalized Tamari intervals in the generalized Tamari lattice, from bridgeless planar maps to classical Tamari intervals, and from bipartite planar maps to Chapoton's new intervals. These bijections are all mediated by some kind of tree structures. We will also discuss the consequences of these bijections in enumerative and structural studies of the related objects.
报告人介绍:方文杰, 博士毕业于巴黎七大, 师从法国组合学家Mireille bouquet-Mélou和Guillaume Chapuy。 曾在法国ENS Lyon和奥地利TU Graz从事博士后研究工作, 现在为法国Université Gustave Eiffel的maitre de conférences,已获得终身教职。方博士主要研究地图的计数和双射组合,在组合数学权威杂志发表多篇论文。