题目: On Cameron-Liebler line classes and associated classical groups
报告人: 冯涛,浙江大学研究员, 博士生导师
时间:2020/07/13 周一 14:30-15:30
腾讯会议 ID:690 594 700
摘要:A Cameron-Liebler line class is a collection of lines of PG(3,q) that has certain geometric properties. It arises in the study of the orbits structures of collineation groups of projective geometries in 1982, and has various generalizations in recent years. In this talk, I will give a survey of the progress on this topic and report our recent constructions of Cameron-Liebler line classes. This includes the first infinite family of such line classes with q even. We then use the subgroup structure of the associated classical groups to determine the stabilizers of our new family. This is joint work with Koji Momihara, Morgan Rodgers, Qing Xiang and Hanlin Zou.