题目:Simultaneous Colorings of Plane Graphs
报告人:王维凡 教授, 浙江师范大学
时间:2020年12月3日 周四 15:00-16:00
腾讯会议 ID:871 470 939
摘要:Given a plane graph G = (V, E, F), we can define the vertex coloring for V , the edge coloring for E, the face coloring for F, the total coloring for V ∪ E,
the coupled coloring for V ∪F, the edge-face coloring for E ∪F, and the entire
coloring V ∪ E ∪ F, such that adjacent or incident elements have different
colors. In this talk we shall give a survey on these colorings and list colorings
of plane graphs. Some recent results and open problems about this direction
are mentioned.