报告题目:A fast solver for scattering problems from axis-symmetric bodies and its applications in inverse problems
报告人: 赖俊(研究员), 浙江大学
时间:2020/12/24 周四 15:00-16:00
腾讯会议 ID:779 608 355
摘要:Fast, high-accuracy algorithms for acoustic and electromagnetic scattering from axisymmetric objects are of great importance when modeling physical phenomena in optics, materials science (e.g. meta-materials), and many other fields of applied science. In this talk, we develop an FFT-accelerated separation of variables solver that can be used to efficiently invert integral equation formulations of Maxwell's equations for scattering from axisymmetric bodies. The solver is also extended to geometries with non-smooth generating curves and the scattering from large cavities. We then discuss the applications of the solver in the inverse scattering problems. In particular, based on the multi-frequency data and recursive linearization method, we are able to accurately recover the location and shape of the unknown scatterer.
报告人简介:赖俊,浙江大学特聘研究员。2013年获得密歇根州立大学应用数学博士学位,2013—2014年在纽约大学柯朗数学研究所做博士后,2014—2016年任柯朗数学研究所讲师。2016年至今,任浙江大学数学科学学院任特聘研究员。主要研究方向为波动方程的快速算法,特别是利用积分方程理论研究Helmholtz方程和麦克斯韦方程的高阶快速数值解法,同时研究相关的应用,主要包括波在复杂结构的传播,电磁散射与反散射问题等。相关成果发表在 Inverse Problems、Inverse Problems and Imaging、Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis、SIAM Journal On Scientific Computing、SIAM Journal On Control and Optimization、Journal of Computational Physics等期刊上。