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20210119 舒其望 Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Convection Dominated Partial Differential Equations

发布时间:2021-01-15 11:29    浏览次数:    来源:

报告题目:Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Convection Dominated Partial Differential Equations
报 告 人:    舒其望教授   布朗大学数学系
报告时间:    2021/01/19 周二 上午 10:00-11:00
报告地点:    腾讯会议
会 议 号:    209 119 173
会议密码:    210119

摘    要:Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method is a finite element method with features from high resolution finite difference and finite volume schemes such as approximate Riemann solvers and nonlinear limiters.  It was originally designed for solving hyperbolic conservation laws but has been generalized later to solve higher order convection dominated partial differential equations (PDEs) such as convection diffusion equations and convection dispersion equations. The DG method has been widely applied, in areas such as computational fluid dynamics, computational electromagnetism, and semiconductor device simulations, just to name a few.  In this talk we will give a general survey of the DG method, emphasizing its designing principles and main ingredients. We will also describe some of the recent developments in DG methods.

报告人简介:Chi-Wang Shu (舒其望)教授,美国布朗大学。1982年于中国科技技术大学数学系获得学士学位,1986年于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校数学系获得博士学位。1987年至1996年于美国布朗大学应用数学系担任助理教授和副教授,1996起于美国布朗大学应用数学系担任教授。1995年获冯康奖。2007年,获得SIAM/ACM计算科学与工程奖。2009年,被选为工业和应用数学学会(SIAM)首届研究员班成员。2012年,被选为美国数学学会(AMS)首届研究员。2014年,他应邀在首尔举行的国际数学家大会(ICM)上作了45分钟的特邀报告。2021年,获得SIAM John von Neumann 奖。舒教授主要研究方向是针对对流占优问题、计算流体力学、以及Hamilton-Jacobi型方程的ENO、加权ENO、WENO方法、DG方法、谱方法的研究。在JCP、SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis、SIAM J. Sci . Comput. 等计算数学顶级期刊发表论文200余篇。


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