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20210514 朱保成 The polar Orlicz-Minkowski problems

发布时间:2021-05-13 11:04    浏览次数:    来源:

报告题目:The polar Orlicz-Minkowski problems 


报告人:朱保成 教授(陕西师范大学)

时间: 2021/5/14 ( 周 )  14:30-15:30

地点:数学院 425 #


摘要:We will talk about the polar Orlicz-Minkowski problems: under what conditions on a nonzero finite measureand a continuous function there exists a convex bodysuch that is an optimizer of the following optimization problems:


The solvability of the polar Orlicz-Minkowski problems is discussed under different conditions. In particular, under certain conditions on , the existence of a solution is proved for a nonzero finite measure on unit sphere which is not concentrated on any hemisphere of .



报告人简介:朱保成,陕西师范大学数学与统计学院教授,博士生导师、加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学数学与统计学院客座教授,主要研究方向包括凸几何分析 、积分几何 、几何不等式,在Advances in Mathematics, International Mathematics Research Notices, Journal of Differential Equations等期刊上发表30余篇学术论文,主持多项国家自然科学基项目。曾受邀在2014年世界数学家大会卫星会议做30分钟报告、受邀在2019年世界华人数学家大会做45分钟报告。


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