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20210715 Giuseppe Buttazzo Upper and lower bounds for some shape functionals

发布时间:2021-07-13 16:56    浏览次数:    来源:

报告人:Giuseppe Buttazzo


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TITLE: Upper and lower bounds for some shape functionals

ABSTRACT:The relations between two quantities related to the Laplace operator are considered.

In particular, taking as a model the heat diffusion, governed by the heat equation, we aim to study

the relations between the average temperature of a heated body and the temperature decay rate of

the body in absence of heat sources. The quantities above are expressed by the so-called

"torsional rigidity" and by the principal eigenvalue of the Laplace operator. The relations

above are studied in the classes of general domains, convex domains, and domains with a small thickness.

This allows to obtain a detailed description of the Blasche-Santaló diagram of the two quantities.

Several open questions are discussed, in particular when the Laplacian is replaced by the


报告人简介:Giuseppe Buttazzo,是偏微分方程、区域优化和椭圆算子谱理论领域著名的学者,在JEMS、ARMA、JMPA、

SIAM J. Math. Anal.、JFA等高水平杂志发表近两百篇文章,被引用3000多次。

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