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20211220 王作勤 On the Remainders in the Two-Term Weyl Law for Planar Disks and Annuli

发布时间:2021-12-16 11:04    浏览次数:    来源:

题目:On the Remainders in the Two-Term Weyl Law for Planar Disks and Annuli




报告地点:腾讯会议 会议号463 966 241

摘要:Weyl laws relate the asymptotic behaviors of the eigenvalues of certain geometric operators with

the geometric/dynamical properties of the underlying space. In this talk I will briefly describe these

connections, with an emphasis on the relation between the eigenvalue counting problem for special planar

domains with integrable billiard flows and the classical lattice point counting problem. This talk is

mainly based on joint works with Jingwei Guo, Wolfgang Muller and Weiwei Wang.


金斯大学,密歇根大学工作,后回国任教。在Geom. Funct. Anal.,

J. Differential Geom, J. Funct. Anal., Calc. Var. PDE等期刊上发表论文数十篇。

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