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20220420 荆燕飞 A block minimum residual norm subspace solver with partial convergence management for sequences of linear systems

发布时间:2022-04-18 15:19    浏览次数:    来源:

报告题目:A block minimum residual norm subspace solver with partial convergence management for sequences of linear systems

报告人:荆燕飞 研究员(电子科技大学)

时间:2022/4/20 (周三) 9:00-10:00

腾讯会议:522 610 110 (无密码)


报告摘要:In this talk, we introduce a block minimum residual norm subspace solver with partial convergence management (IB-BGCRO-DR) for sequences of linear systems, which has been integrated in a recently developed software package named as Fabulous Library involving Fast Accurate Block Linear krylOv Solver(s).

IB-BGCRO-DR combines two main ingredients. The first component exploits ideas from GCRO-DR, enabling to recycle information from one solve to the next. The second component is the numerical mechanism to manage the partial convergence of the right-hand sides, referred to as inexact breakdown detection in IB-BGMRES, that enables the monitoring of the rank deficiency in the residual space basis expanded block-wise.

Moreover, for the class of block minimum norm residual approaches, that relies on a block Arnoldi-like equality between the search space and the residual space (e.g., any block GMRES or block GCRO variants), we introduce new search space expansion policies defined on novel criteria to detect the partial convergence. These novel detection criteria are tuned to the selected stopping criterion and targeted convergence threshold to best cope with the selected normwise backward error stopping criterion, enabling to monitor the computational effort while ensuring the final accuracy of each individual solution.

Numerical experiments are reported to illustrate the numerical and computational features of both the new block Krylov solvers and the new search space block expansion polices.

报告人简介:荆燕飞,电子科技大学数学科学学院研究员,博士生导师,副院长,四川省学术和技术带头人,主要研究方向为数值代数与科学计算及在电磁散射中的应用,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等,在SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsSIAM Journal on Scientific ComputingJournal of Scientific ComputingJournal of Computational PhysicsNumerical Linear Algebra with ApplicationsIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation等上发表论文30余篇,获四川省自然科学一等奖(排名第2)。现为中国工业与应用数学学会第八届理事会理事,中国高等教育学会教育数学专业委员会常务理事,四川省数学会理事会理事,四川省普通本科高等学校数学类专业教学指导委员会委员,四川省侨联特聘专家委员会特聘专家,四川欧美同学会•四川留学人员联谊会会员,成都欧美同学会•成都留学人员联谊会理事。

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