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20220510 翁良俊 The Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality for convex hypersurfaces with capillary boundary in a ball

发布时间:2022-05-09 09:48    浏览次数:    来源:


报告题目:The Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality for convex hypersurfaces with capillary boundary in a ball

报告人:翁良俊 博士(上海交通大学)

会议时间:2022/5/12 (周四) 10:00-11:30

腾讯会议ID: 111-242-813

报告摘要: In this talk, we will discuss the relative Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality.

Firstly we introduce the quermassintegrals for convex hypersurfaces with capillary boundary in the unit Euclidean ball and derive its first variational formula. Then by using a locally constrained nonlinear curvature flow, which preserves the n-th quermassintegral and non-decreases the k-th quermassintegral, we obtain the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality for convex hypersurfaces with capillary boundary in unit ball. The talk is based on a recent joint work with Prof. Chao Xia.

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