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20220525 Eric T. Chung Data-driven computational multiscale methods and applications

发布时间:2022-05-20 14:19    浏览次数:    来源:

报告题目:Data-driven computational multiscale methods and applications 

报告人:Prof. Eric Chung The Chinese University of Hong Kong


时间:2022 年 5 月 25 日 (星期三) 4:20-5:20 PM

报告形式:在线报告 ( Zoom 会议)

Zoom 会议号:794 6714 4906




Many practical problems, especially those arising from geosciences, have multiscale features due to medium

heterogeneities, nonlinearity and coupling of multiple models. The goal of multiscale methods or numerical

upscaling techniques is to compute the solutions of these complicated problems efficiently by constructing

coarse scale equations for some dominant components of the solutions. In this talk, we will present the latest

development of a class of multiscale methods, which make use of solutions of local problems to obtain coarse

scale equations and have rigorous convergence theories. For nonlinear problems, the macroscopic parameters

in the coarse scale equations can be computed efficiently by the use of deep learning techniques. We will

discuss the general concepts and present some applications.


Eric T. Chung is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained PhD degree

from University of California at Los Angeles. His Ph.D. thesis advisor is Prof. Bjorn Engquist. His research interests are Discontinuous

Galerkin Methods, Computational Wave Propagation, Fluid Flow in Heterogeneous Media, Multiscale Model Reduction Techniques,

Adaptivity for Multiscale Problems, Domain Decomposition Methods, Seismic Imaging and Travel Time Tomography.

个人主页 https://www.math.cuhk.edu.hk/ tschung/

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