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20220602 付书彬 Generalized multiscale finite element method for highly heterogeneous compressible flow

发布时间:2022-06-01 07:41    浏览次数:    来源:

报告题目:Generalized multiscale finite element method for highly heterogeneous compressible flow



时间:2022 年 6 月 2 日 (星期四) 9:00-10:00 AM

报告形式:在线报告 ( 腾讯会议)

腾讯会议号:664 939 808



In this talk, I will introduce the generalized multiscale finite element method (GMsFEM) for single phase

compressible flow in highly heterogeneous porous media. We follow the major steps of the GMsFEM to

construct permeability dependent offline basis for fast coarse-grid simulation. The offline coarse space is

efficiently constructed only once based on the initial permeability field with parallel computing. A rigorous

convergence analysis is performed for two types of snapshot spaces. The analysis indicates that the con-

vergence rates of the proposed multiscale method depend on the coarse meshsize and the eigenvalue decay

of the local spectral problem. To further increase the accuracy of multiscale method, residual driven online

multiscale basis is added to the offline space. The construction of online multiscale basis is based on a care-

fully design error indicator motivated by the analysis. We find that online basis is particularly important

for the singular source. Rich numerical tests on typical 3D highly heterogeneous medias are presented to

demonstrate the impressive computational advantages of the proposed multiscale method.



士的主要研究兴趣是多尺度有限元方法特别是其在地球物理, 大气海洋学,石油工程和水文学等领域

的应用。他已在 Multiscale Model simulation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,

Journal of Computational Physics, Geophysical Journal International 和 Water Resources Research 等期刊


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