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20220724 何凌冰 Propagation of moments and sharp convergence rates for the non-cutoff Boltzmann equation with soft potentials

发布时间:2022-07-23 15:04    浏览次数:    来源:

报告题目Propagation of moments and sharp convergence rates for the non-cutoff Boltzmann equation with soft potentials




摘要We consider the well-posedness  for the  non-cutoff Boltzmann equation with soft potentials when the initial datum  is close to the  Maxwellian and has only polynomial  decay at the large velocities in   $L^2$ space. As a result, we get the  propagation of the exponential moments and the sharp rates of the convergence to the Maxwellian which seems the first results for the original equation with soft potentials. The new ingredients of the proof lie in localized techniques, the semigroup method as well as the propagation of the polynomial and exponential  moments in $L^2$ space.

报告人简介何凌冰,清华大学数学系教授。主要研究方向为流体力学中的Navier-StokesMHD等方程组以及统计物理中的Boltzmann方程。近年来先后在Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér.Archive for Rational Mechanics and AnalysisCommunications in Mathematical PhysicsSIAM Journal on Mathematical AnalysisJournal of Functioal AnalysisJournal of Differential EquationsJ. Stat. Phys.等国际主流数学杂志发表论文30余篇。

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