Title: Monotonicity of the second Neumann eigenfunction in symmetry domain.
邀请人: 李沁峰
Abstract: The first Neumann eigenfunction is a constant, and the second Neumann eigenfunction changes signs and plays an important role. Recently, we concern about second evenly symmetry eigenfunction $u$ on some cerntain symmetry domain. Inspired by the work of Jersion-Nadirashvili, we show that $u$ is montone along the direction of symmetry axis, and $u$ is strictly increasing on the boundary from the minimum point to the maximum point.
报告人简介: 姚若飞,华南理工大学副教授,目前主要研究方向是非线性偏微分方程,在CVPDE、Nonlinearity、JDE、DCDS等期刊发表SCI论文多篇。