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2023 Achim Jung Revisiting the troublesome probabilistic powerdomain

发布时间:2023-03-02 09:12    浏览次数:    来源:

报告题目: Revisiting the troublesome probabilistic powerdomain.

: Achim Jung, Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, University of Birmingham

邀请人: 贾晓东

时间: 20233316:15--17:15 (GMT+08:00北京时间)

ZOOM会议: 865 6181 5985 (PW: 454470)

摘要: Twenty five years after its publication, I will return to the paper "The troublesome probabilistic powerdomain" written jointly with Regina Tix. I will explore some of the difficulties and technicalities one encounters in trying to extend the results of that paper to more types of finite domains, and hopefully present some new results and fruitful questions.

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