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20230508 袁伟 Conformally variational Riemannian invariants and their related topics

发布时间:2023-05-05 10:16    浏览次数:    来源:

报告题目:Conformally variational Riemannian invariants and their related topics

报告人: 袁伟 教授(中山大学)

时间: 2023/5/8 ( 周 )  16:10-17:10

地点: 数学院 425 #

邀请人: 黄勇

摘要: It is well known that scalar curvature plays a fundamental role in general relativity. As its analogue, conformally variational Riemannian invariants (CVIs) is a category of fundamental scalar-type curvatures which shares many excellent properties in both conformal and Riemannian geometry. In this talk, I will give a brief introduction about our working frame about CVIs and present some interesting results about the geometric and analytic theory about CVIs. Hopefully, these theories can be helpful in the development of general relativity and other fields of mathematical physics. This talk is based on a series of work joint with Jeffrey S. Case from Penn State University and Yueh-Ju Lin from Wichita State University.

报告人简介:袁伟,2015年在加州大学圣克鲁斯分校获博士学位现为中山大学副教授主要研究方向为几何分析和广义相对论。目前已在Adv. Math.,  Calc. Var. PDE, Math.Ann., Trans.AMS等主流期刊上发表研究论文十余篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等课题。

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