报告题目: Generically sharp decay for quasilinear wave equations with the null condition
报告人: 马思远
摘要: We are interested in the three-dimensional quasilinear wave equations with the null condition. Global existence and pointwise decay for this model have been proved in the celebrated works of Klainerman and Christodoulou for small smooth initial data. We illustrate the precise pointwise asymptotic behavior of the solutions for initial data posed on a hyperboloid and show that the decay rate $v^{-1}u^{-1}$ is optimal for a generic set of initial data. This is joint work with Shijie Dong, Yue Ma, and Xu Yuan.
报告人简介: 马思远,中科院数学所副研究员,博士毕业于德国马普学会引力物理研究所,曾在巴黎六大从事博士后研究。其主要研究方向为数学广义相对论和双曲型偏微分方程,多篇论文发表于Comm. Math. Phys., Ann. PDE, J. Func. Anal., Trans. AMS等期刊。