题目: A primal-dual majorization-minimization method for large-scale linear programs
时间: 2023年9月28日上午10:30-11:30
摘要: We present a primal-dual majorization-minimization method for large-scale linear programs. The method is originated from a newly developed augmented Lagrangian method for nonlinear inequalityconstrained optimization. The majorization-minimization approach is introduced to solve the augmented Lagrangian subproblems. Distinguished from the existing simplex methods and interior-point methods for linear programs, our proposed method only depends on a factorization of the constant matrix independent of iterations and does not need any computation on step sizes, thus can be expected to be particularly appropriate for large-scale linear programs. Under mild conditions, the global convergence is analyzed. Moreover, we prove that our method can be of globally linear convergence, and the iteration complexity of our method is independent of the sizes of the linear programs. This is a joint work with X.W.Liu and Y.K.Huang.
戴彧虹研究员曾应邀在2022年国际数学家大会做45分钟邀请报告,在2016年第五届国际连续优化会议(国际数学优化学会旗舰会议)做半大会报告,在2022年第24届国际数学规划大会(国际数学优化学会最大规模会议)作一小时大会报告。他曾获国家自然科学二等奖(完成人:袁亚湘 戴彧虹)、中国青年科技奖、陈省身数学奖、冯康科学计算奖、首届萧树铁应用数学奖、国际通信大会最佳论文奖。 2023年当选国际运筹学会联合会(IFORS)会士.