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20231211 马欣荣 On elliptic interpolation formulas for the elliptic Askey-Wilson polynomials and allied identities

发布时间:2023-12-07 15:53    浏览次数:    来源:

题目: On elliptic interpolation formulas  for the elliptic Askey-Wilson polynomials and allied identities

时间:2023年12月11日上午 10:30-11:30



邀请人:张文静 副教授

摘要:  My talk is about the so-called elliptic Askey-Wilson polynomials which are homogeneous polynomials  in two known theta functions and some related  applications. First,  we  talk about  some general elliptic interpolation formulas  for such elliptic Askey-Wilson polynomials by the technique of matrix inversions and  polynomial representations. Second, we will give some details how to use the elliptic Askey-Wilson polynomials to reprove the basis of elliptic interpolation space due to Schlosser.  Finally, we will present some new elliptic function identities including an elliptic analogue  of Gasper's summation formula for very-well-poised ${}_{6+2m}\phi_{5+2m}$ series and a generalized elliptic Karlsson-Minton type identity.  This talk is based on joint  works with Jin Wang.

报告人简介:马欣荣教授,先后师从于我国著名数学家徐利治教授和朱烈教授;1995 年博士毕业于大连理工大学应用数学研究所,1996 年于苏州大学博士后流动站从事组合数学研究。现为苏州大学教授和博士生导师,主持国家自然科学基金项目多项,在组合反演、q-级数理论等方面取得了多项原创性结果,其中最具代表性的成果是 $(f,g)$-反演公式和 $(f,g)$-展开公式。

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