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20231221 曾铁勇 Rank-One Prior: Real-Time Scene Recovery

发布时间:2023-12-20 14:51    浏览次数:    来源:

题目:Rank-One Prior: Real-Time Scene Recovery

报告人:曾铁勇 教授(香港中文大学)

邀请人:白敏茹 教授

时间:2023年12月21日 下午4:00-5:00


摘要:  Scene recovery is a fundamental imaging task with several practical applications, including video surveillance and autonomous vehicles, etc. In this talk, we provide a new real-time scene recovery framework to restore degraded images under different weather/imaging conditions, such as underwater, sand dust and haze. A degraded image can actually be seen as a superimposition of a clear image with the same color imaging environment (underwater, sand or haze, etc.). Mathematically, we can introduce a rank-one matrix to characterize this phenomenon, i.e., rank-one prior (ROP). Using the prior, a direct method with the complexity O(N) is derived for real-time recovery. For general cases, we develop ROP + to further improve the recovery performance. Comprehensive experiments of the scene recovery illustrate that our method outperforms competitively several state-of-the-art imaging methods in terms of efficiency and robustness.

专家简介: 曾鐵勇2018年加入香港中文大学数学系, 现任香港中文大学终身正教授。自2020年起,他与同事一起创立了数学人工智能中心(CMAI),并担任CMAI主任。其主要研究方向为图像处理、优化、人工智能、科学计算、计算机视觉、机器学习和反问题。实验室近年来已在TPAMI、IJCV、IEEE TIP、TMI, TNNLS、CVPR、ICCV、SIAM等顶级期刊和会议上发表论文多篇,累计发表论文100余篇。有志于从事计算机视觉和机器学习研究的同学欢迎申请,主要研究方向为:自然图像处理、医学图像处理、图像复原、图像分割、目标检测、图像/视频压缩等。

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