题目:Plateaux on generalized Stirling permutations and partial $\gamma$-positivity
报告人: 林志聪教授,山东大学
腾讯会议ID:648 265 758
We prove that the enumerative polynomials of generalized Stirling permutations by the statistics of plateaux, descents and ascents are partial $\gamma$-positive. Specialization of our result to the Jacobi-Stirling permutations confirms a recent partial $\gamma$-positivity conjecture due to Ma, Yeh and the second named author. Our partial $\gamma$-positivity expansion, as well as a combinatorial interpretation for the corresponding $\gamma$-coefficients, are obtained via the machine of context-free grammars and a group action on generalized Stirling permutations.
Besides, we also provide an alternative approach to the partial $\gamma$-positivity from the stability of certain multivariate polynomials.
报告人介绍: 林志聪,2014年博士毕业于法国里昂第一大学,2015年-2018年在韩国数理科学研究所和维也纳大学从事博士后研究工作,现为山东大学数学与交叉科学研究中心教授、博士生导师。研究的主要兴趣是计数和代数组合,尤其是排列统计量和图同态的计数。曾在匈牙利著名的数学研究所Alfred Renyi Institute和罗兰大学进行学术访问研究。