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20200622 范久瑜 Bumpless Pipedreams, Reduced Word Tableaux and

发布时间:2020-06-16 10:19    浏览次数:    来源:

题目:Bumpless Pipedreams, Reduced Word Tableaux and Stanley Symmetric Functions
报告人: 范久瑜博士,四川大学
腾讯会议ID:385 492 653
摘要:Lam, Lee and Shimozono introduced the structure of bumpless pipedreams in their study of back stable Schubert calculus. They found that a specific family of bumpless pipedreams, called EG-pipedreams, can be used to interpret the Edelman-Greene coefficients appearing in the expansion of a Stanley symmetric function in the basis of Schur functions. It is well known that the Edelman-Greene coefficients can also be interpreted in terms of reduced word tableaux for permutations. Lam, Lee and Shimozono proposed the problem of finding a shape preserving bijection between reduced word tableaux for a permutation w and EG-pipedreams of w. In this talk, we introduce such a bijection. This talk is based on joint work with Peter Guo and Sophie Sun.

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