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20201204 刘桥 Number of singular points and energy equality for the co-rotational Beris-Edwards system modeling nematic liquid crystal flow

发布时间:2020-12-04 17:32    浏览次数:    来源:
题目:Number of singular points and energy equality for the co-rotational Beris-Edwards system modeling 
nematic liquid crystal flow
报告人: 刘桥副教授,湖南师范大学
时间地点:2020127日(周一) 上午930-1030, 必赢76net线路唯一官方网站425
摘要: In this talk, we consider the singular points of suitable weak solutions to the 3D co-rotational 
Beris-Edwards system modeling thehydrodynamical motion of nematic liquid crystal flows, which is a
coupled system with the Navier-Stokes equations for the fluid and a parabolic system of Q-tensor
for the liquid average orientation. We prove that if (u,Q) defined on $\mathbb{R}^{3}\times (0,T)$
is a suitable weak solution to the 3D co-rotational Beris-Edwards system, and satisfies
\|(\u,\nabla Q)\|_{L^{q,\infty}(0,T;L^{p}(\mathbb{R}^{3}))}
<\infty \text{ with }3<p<\infty \text{ and } \frac{2}{q}+\frac{3}{p}=1,
where $M$ is a positive constant, then for a given open subset $\Omega\subseteq \mathbb{R}^{3}$ and
 for a given moment of time $t\in (0,T)$, the number of points of the set $\Sigma(t)\cap \Omega$ is 
 finite, where $\Sigma(t)\equiv \{(x,t)\in \Sigma\}$ and $\Sigma$ is the set of singular points for 
 $(u,Q)$.  Moreover, if $T_{1}\in(0,T)$ is the first time for singularity appears, we show that the 
 energy equality holds on the closed interval $[0,T_{1}]$ including the time $T_{1}$.

报告人简介:刘桥,副教授,于2012年获中山大学博士学位。主要研究领域为不可压流体中偏微分方程如Navier--Stokes 方程组和

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