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20201230 王海兵 Domain sampling methods for inverse boundary value problems

发布时间:2020-12-29 16:46    浏览次数:    来源:


报告题目:Domain sampling methods for inverse boundary value problems

报告人: 王海兵(教授), 东南大学

时间:2020/12/30  周三  10:00-11:00

腾讯会议 ID:196 494 970


摘要: In this talk, I will discuss the range test (RT) and no-response test (NRT) for the inverse boundary value problem for the Laplace equation. These testing methods are domain sampling methods to estimate the location of the obstacle $D$ using test domains and the associated indicator functions. We will show the duality between these two methods in terms of the equivalence of the pre-indicator functions associated to their indicator functions. We will also give each of these reconstructions without using the duality if the Dirichlet data of the Cauchy data is not identically zero and the solution to the associated forward problem does not have any analytic extension across the boundary of the unknown target. Moreover, we will show that these methods can still give the reconstruction of $D$ if $D$ is a convex polygon and satisfies some specified conditions.

报告人简介: 王海兵,男,教授,博士研究生导师,主要从事数学物理反问题的研究。2012年获得北海道大学和东南大学的理学博士学位,2014年获得江苏省优秀博士学位论文,2016年入选江苏高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象,2018年获得江苏省工业与应用数学学会第二届“工业与应用数学奖青年奖”,2020年获得江苏省数学会第七届江苏省数学成就奖。现任中国数学会计算数学分会常务委员。已作为主持人获得三项国家自然科学基金和一项江苏省自然科学基金,发表学术论文三十余篇。

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