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20210108 Wangjian Jian (AMSS) Entropy and heat kernel bounds of Ricci flow, and the application to the Kahler-Ricci flow

发布时间:2021-01-06 09:27    浏览次数:    来源:

标题: Entropy and heat kernel bounds of Ricci flow, and the application to the Kahler-Ricci flow

报告人: Wangjian Jian (AMSS)

时间: 2021 18, 15:30-17:00

地点: Tencent Room: 613 616 946, Code:112233

摘要:We will introduce the recent preprint of Richard Bamler. First, we will introduce the notions of Wasserstein distance and variance, and talk about their important properties, like their monotonicity along the Ricci flow. Then we will show how to use the Nash entropy to bound the volume of balls. Then we will briefly introduce the compactness theory of the space of Ricci flow and the properties of the limiting space. Next, we will consider the collapsing long-time solution of Kahler-Ricci flow on minimal models. We will show how to apply Bamler's result to reprove the relative volume comparison of Tian-Zhang, and show that this approach  also applies to the Kahler-Ricci flow on minimal models. If time permits, we will also show how to obtain the local  Ricci bound if the Kodaira dim of the manifold is one.


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