报告题目: Singular Moser-Trudinger inequalities
报告人:朱晓宝,中国人民大学副教授, 在JFA, AGAG, 中国科学等发表文章20余篇。
报告时间:2021/08/21 10:30-11:30
腾讯会议 ID:765 767 225
报告摘要 In this talk, we shall first review some research history of Moser-Trudinger inequalities, then introduce some new developments on this subject. We shall put our attention on the singular version inequalities in dimension two.
上一篇:20210916 周向宇 中国古代数学的贡献
下一篇:20210821张会春 One-phase free boundary problems on Alexandrov spaces
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