报告题目:One-phase free boundary problems on Alexandrov spaces
报告人:张会春,中山大学教授,国家杰出科学青年基金获得者。他与合作者证明了满足一定曲率条件的Aleksandrov 空间之间的调和映照是Lipsichitz 连续的重要工作发表在顶尖期刊inventione math. 上。
报告时间:2021/08/21 9:30-10:30
腾讯会议 ID:765 767 225
报告摘要 In this talk, we will introduce some regularity results for Dirichlet problems with free boundary on Alexandrov sapces with curvature bounded from below. It contains the Lipschitz regularity of solutions and the finite perimeter property of their free boundary. This is based on a joint work with Chung-Kwong Chan, and Xi-Ping Zhu.