报告地点:Join Zoom Meeting https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/97549828631
Meeting ID: 975 4982 8631
报告题目: Equation
in the plane.
报告摘要: It will be explained how to use the theory of meromorphic functions
to prove several properties of solutions of this equation. In particular a sketch of the proof of
"diameter conjecture" will be given: the minimum diameter of the metric e^{2u}|dz| in
the plane is \pi, and all solutions for which this minimum is attained will be described.
报告人简介:Alexandre Eremenko,普渡大学数学系教授,主要研究复变函数、值分布理论、几何函数论和复动力系统。德国洪堡研究奖获得者,美国数学会会士,2002年国际数学家大会邀请报告人。