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20230607 魏军城 On bounded Morse index solutions of Allen-Cahn on Riemman surfaces

发布时间:2023-06-05 11:12    浏览次数:    来源:

题目: On bounded Morse index solutions of Allen-Cahn on Riemman surfaces

时间: 2023年6月7日(星期三)下午3:30-4:30

地点: 数学院425教室



摘要: A recent result of Chodosh-Mantoulidis (Pub.IHES 2023) shows that stationary varifolds arising from Allen-Cahn equation on Riemann surfaces must be geodesic networks (with possible multiplicities). In this talk, we will construct bounded Morse index solutions on geodesic networks and compute its Morse index. Then for multiplicity two geodesics we prove that a necessary (and almost) sufficient condition is the existence of bouncing Jacobi fields. Using variational methods we prove the existence of bouncing Jacobi fields under some curvature conditions. Finally we give the precise formula for the Morse index in the multiplicity two geodesics. (Joint work with Yong Liu and Frank Pacard.)

报告人简介:魏军城,著名华人数学家,加拿大皇家科学院院士。于1994年获明尼苏达大学博士学位,1995年至2013年在香港中文大学任职,现任加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学国家(一级)讲座教授(Canada Research Chair, Tier 1)。魏教授的主要研究领域为非线性偏微分方程、非线性分析和数学生物学。自1994年以来,已在国际著名数学期刊上发表近500篇学术论文,包括顶级数学杂志Annals of Mathematics, Inventiones Mathematicae。于2010年获得晨兴数学银奖,2014年应邀在27届国际数学家大会上做45分钟报告,2019年当选加拿大皇家科学院院士,2020年获得加拿大数学会Jeffery-Williams奖和数学Simons Fellow。

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